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How much SSEB was paid in 2023?

Box 3 of your Form RRB-1099 will show $5,599 ($509 × 11 months) as the gross SSEB portion of tier 1 benefits paid to you in 2023, even though you didn’t actually receive that amount. This is because box 3 shows the gross amount of your benefits before any reductions were made for the unemployment benefits paid to you. Example 2.

How much taxable pension did Ray receive in 2023?

Ray is retired and received a fully taxable pension of $15,500. He also received social security benefits, and his Form SSA-1099 for 2023 shows net benefits of $5,600 in box 5. Alice worked during the year and had wages of $14,000. She made a deductible payment to her IRA account of $1,000 and isn’t covered by a retirement plan at work.

Is a lump-sum payment taxable in 2023?

Lump-sum payment reported on Form SSA-1099 or RRB-1099. If you received a lump-sum payment in 2023 that includes benefits for one or more earlier years after 1983, it will be included in box 3 of either Form SSA-1099 or RRB-1099. That part of any lump-sum payment for years before 1984 isn’t taxed and won’t be shown on the form.

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